Hi Everyone,
I love pattern paper - maybe a bit too much!! I mean, I have quite a bit and still buy more!!
Kylie Bertucci started the #LoveitChopit to help us get over our "fear" of chopping up our beautiful paper.
Her theory is, cut it into card front size and you will use it more and it's now easy to put a quick card together.
So when I get my pack of 12 x 12 pattern paper, I take one of each sheet and do just that!
I slice it down the middle, and then cut into three card fronts. This is slightly larger than a card and just requires a small trim. You could cut more precise if you wanted.
You end up with a stack of fronts!

So quick and easy to put a card together........
So, go ahead, #loveitchopit!!
Trust me, you will use it so much more!
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